BREAKING: Cutting Edge AI Oracle's
Betting Signals Obliterates The Bookies
Making Me £337,613.88
In The Last 12 Months
Copy My Success Today With Odds Oracle!

From: James Dent

Location: London, England

I've got a question for you...

You've heard pepople say "The House Always Wins?"

Everyone knows they do... it's an accepted fact...

That's because it's... true.

Sure... now and then the bookies lose but make no mistake they always end up profiting every single day...

But I've got another question for you..

You've heard people say "Numbers are a gamblers best friend".


Do you know why?

Funnily enough, turns out it’s only one thing.

Numbers… better known today as DATA. Data is a gamblers best friend and a bookies worst nightmare when in the right hands.

The Truth.

If odds were calculated purely by humans the bookies profits would be substantially reduced..

The bookies have two advantages the punters dont.

The first is a mountain of data 

The second is the latest in cutting edge artificial intelligence. Fortunes are spent every year to have the latest and greatest available.

In risk reward scenarios human beings often make our decisions based on our gut. That is our greatest weakness and the bookies greatest advantage!

As certainly as the sun rises each day, almost all punters will always place bets based on their gut..

When logic and data is pushed to one side our chances of winning are greatly reduced.

This is why bookies rely completely on data and recently Artificial Intelligence to set the odds every day.

Bookies have thousands of people working 24/7 gathering intelligence from results, horses, jokies and more. All that goes into the AI.

After that, its the AI that does the rest

When it comes to odds and statistics, cold logic trumps emotion every time.

Couple that with the most advanced high performance AI on the market today

the punters chance of winning regularly is almost non existent.

In fact, even when using technology, the chances of the average punter winning on any kind of regular basis are slim to none.

Until Now...


The World's Very First AI Signals Software.
My name is James.

I’m almost 40 and I have by no means led a normal life.

At school I was an absolute savant at Maths and Computers.

Wrote my first software at 7.

I actually had my heart set on becoming a currency or bond trader

Something like that…

But after my A levels I interned at a revolutionary new sports book exchange,you very likely will of heard of it. 

I wrote the algorithms that were the foundation for its success and similarly adopted by other exchanges. 

At the same time I made sure that I was learning how to beat the system, at least that’s what I thought…

Ive always been a sports lover and most of all enjoy prediction because of the data.
I was fortunate due to my job to have access to the most data driven methods of the time.

That said, it wasn’t until I was exposed to the inner workings of the bookies algorithms that I saw how child like my “expertise” was.

I discovered that bookies take data collection and manipulation to a whole new level. 

Every data point was collected and automated from horses, jockeys, courses, weather … even emotional and mental well being was calculated.

Subsequently the exchanges CEO noticed me and put me on some of the most cutting edge projects…

I got exposed to the most data driven betting strategies of the time

It was then that I realised how and why the bookies always win. 
From there it was easy to create my own models and I wrote algorithms to collect the data for me.

I started placing bets and my strike rate was pretty good, around 40-45% on any given week..

This made me a tidy side income.

But I couldn’t help thinking how much more the bookies made and the ridiculous amount of cash I could take home.

Then it hit me like a BOLT of lightning …

My friend worked at a DataCentre where they store computer servers. These were not just any servers though.

AI had just become a big thing and these servers had the latest NVIDEA chips which created AI. This AI was being used to predict the weather - accurately.

If it could predict the weather then why not which horse would win one race - way less complicated!

So I got to work creating the worlds first AI Odds Oracle. A software so advanced that it took all data points, causes and conditions and saw the races unfold as if it live. I felt like Doc in Back To The Future, I could see the future and unlike Doc I WAS going to profit from it!

After about 90 days of coming up with the idea and locking myself up in my office version 1 of my software was ready.

Cup of tea and digestive in hand I sat down and waited for AI to tell me which horses would win the following days races.

After sometime it spat out results. Of 7 races the next day, 4 were close calls but 3 races had comfortable winners.

You guessed it. The next day I placed 3 bets only…

On the 3 horses who had outright smashed their competition on the Odds Oracle the previous day…

And ALL THREE of the horses won!
It was actually eerie how well this worked

I would sit down in the morning with a cup of tea and place the bets.

I also continued to improve the speed and processing power of 'Odds Oracle' to stay ahead of the bookies.. I still do.

On my second round of tests it worked again.

On my first day, I netted over GBP 180 in winnings.

On my second day, I netted over GBP 90 in winnings.

On day three, I netted over GBP 260 in winnings.

On day four, I netted over GBP 140 in winnings,

And on day five, I netted over GBP 390 in winnings,.

Not a bad effort.

This netted me about £1750 in winnings.

Then I started to bet larger amounts...

And by the end of the week I was up by over £3,000.

I was still working at the exchange at this time and was able to check and see that I had found a loop hole. My AI could output the few races each day where a clear winner would show.

Welcome To

I quit my job, two years ago. Since then I have made over £690,000 using it

Check out 2024s Odds Oracle Results

What would you do with a staggering £373,871.98 in your bank account?
Buy that dream home?

Round the world luxury adventure?

Buy your dream car?
Pay off all your credit cards and debts?

Set up your kids for life?

Go on a round the world cruise?
The possibilities really are endless.
Here's How It works...

It really is that easy!

I've put everything into this and I don't want you to worry si let me reassure you on a few things...

One service after another sends losing tips. What makes you so special?
Firstly, completely understand what you mean and that’s one reason I developed this. We have all tried “tipping services”. It is one major reason I developed Odds Oracle and why it works so well. It takes the human element out and uses artificial intelligence algorithms and data to identify the most likely winners without any mental or emotional bias. Therefore massively increasing the probability of success!

I like the sound of this but I am super busy. Is this for me?
Once again this is yet another reason why Odds Oracle works so well. After you sign up your tips will be send directly from the Odds Oracle AI on a daily basis. Next you just place your bets which takes about 5 minutes a day.

When will you email the tips each day?
Usually in the morning.

What starting amount should I use?
Of course this is up to you. I would always suggest start low, become familiar with placing the bets and use your winnings to scale your bet size.

"Am I able to get a refund?"
Yes 100%. It is very unlikely you will not be happy with Odds Oracle. If that does happen though simply email me and ill issue you a no questions asked refund. This guarantee lasts a full 60 days, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain,
Sign up and join Odds Oracle today and get all of this:
1. Stress free lifestyle. Get up when you want. Do what you want, when you want. Travel, pub, see friends all on your own time.

2. Wave goodbye to your boss and the 9-5 rat race?
3. See your betting account increase daily

4. Check your email each morning, take a few minutes to place the bets, sit back and watch the winners come in.
Let the Odds Oracle produce the winners day in day out.

Take Action NOW and start your new life!

You are still here because YOU know that you deserve financial freedom and a better quality of life.

Odds Oracle is your daily ticket to living your best life and I know you have what it takes to grab onto this incredible opportunity!

Instant Access For A One-Time Fee Of £29.99

No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.

WARNING - This page will not be around for long.

I originally started Odds Oracle for my own use and to be honest I feel guilty about that. That said I am not an idiot and so only will be letting a few people in, quite simply I do NOT want the bookies knowing about this.

Odds Oracle has made me very wealthy and I intend for it to continue so I can carry on living the lifestyle I am now accustomed to but I am sharing it with a few people.

But you must act NOW if you want to join. I can’t help everyone and have set a limit.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

And so, to put your mind totally at ease and to give you the confidence to become one of the lucky few new members,

Let Me Offer You a Full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

I'm backing the Odds Oracle service with a full 60 day no-questions-asked money back guarantee. If at any time in the first 60 days of your membership you wish, for whatever reason, to get your money back, then just send me an email and I will refund you right away.

It is extremely important to me that you are happy with the Odds Oracle service therefore I am more than happy to offer you this cast-iron guarantee.

Which means that you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Ok! So How Much Is This Going To Cost?

Fortunately, not nearly as much as you think!

This AI software has made me over £337,000 in the last 12 months alone so it would not be out of the question for me to charge hundreds, even thousands for access to it.

Dont worry though, I won’t be charging anywhere near that. I am doing this because I want a handful of people to have a better life. I am not in this for the money.

With that in mind I want to make it affordable for everyone. So I decided to set the price at a ridiculously low one time payment of just £29.99.

There are no recurring fees here. This one-time payment gives you life time access. Remember the software automatically sends the tips to your email. So you don't need to do a thing.

But this offer will not be around for long so GET IN NOW...
Become A Lifetime Member

Instant Access For A One-Time Fee Of £29.99

No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.

This is the best decision you will ever make…

If you dont act fast, your one opportunity to finally beat the bookies and make a consistent cash on the horses is gone…

You forfeit the chance to change your life…

Please dont make that mistake..

Sign up now!

I look forward to seeing you on the inside!

James Dent

P.S. If you have any questions at all please do email and I will personally get back to you that very day. Whatever the issue, do not hesitate to get in touch.

P.P.S. This is the only chance you’ll get to massively improve your life. Take it now. Because there’s no guarantee how long this page will be up. Remember: there is no risk here. You have NOTHING to lose and EVERYTHING to gain.

Become A Lifetime Member

Instant Access For A One-Time Fee Of £29.99

No recurring payments. Satisfaction guarantee.

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